Preheat the oven to 190ºC/gas 5. Season the duck well with sea salt and black pepper, both inside and all over.
Peel, finely slice and rub the ginger over the duck, then rub in the spices.
Peel, finely slice and rub the ginger over the duck, then rub in the spices.
Place the duck in a roasting tray and cook in the oven for about 2 hours, or until cooked through, basting halfway.
Place the duck in a roasting tray and cook in the oven for about 2 hours, or until cooked through, basting halfway.
Allow to cool a little, then shred all the meat into a large bowl and set aside.
Peel the clementines, removing as much pith as possible, then finely slice and add to a separate bowl along with the mint leaves. Tap the seeds out from the pomegranate and add those too.
To prepare your dressing, deseed and finely chop the chillies, then place in a clean jam jar with the oil and lemon juice. Shake to combine.
Immediately before serving, mix some warm duck with the fruit mixture and drizzle with a little dressing, then load up the forks – simply spike a fork into pieces of clementine, duck and mint, catching some pomegranate seeds along the way.

Last step, enjoy with a glass of MARGE!